
Comparative Privacy Practice – Canada and the United States
A review f the results of the groundbreaking study comparing the motivations, practices and procedures of Canadian and American business organizations.

The Importance of Compliance with Canadian Privacy Law as Part of Effective Charitable Governance
Is Your Board of Directors Familiar with the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act?

A New Governance Paradigm: Canadian Privacy Law Developments - March 11 2004
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation, Canada Volunteerism Initiative Arts Council for Haliburton County

Ottawa Estate Planning Council Seminar Handout - March 2, 2004
How will the Personal Information Protection And Electronic Documents Act Affect my Practice?

Proposal for a Privacy Audit
A great deal of confusion surrounds the application of the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the various provincial privacy laws. Most likely, these laws will affect your organization and you will have had to act by January 1, 2004.

Privacy Law and Governance in the Non-Profit Sector
With so much written in the past couple of years and particularly in the past few months, about new and impending privacy legislation, I thought it important to clear up some misconceptions about the various laws and their applicability to the non-profit sector.

A Strategic Approach to Successful Compliance Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act – Focus on Enforcement and Remedies
Many organizations, large, medium and small, may very well be surprised, not only by their need to be ready for this law by January 1, 2004 (a scant month and a few days from time of writing), but also by the breadth and scope of the powers of enforcement of the Act.

Charities – Advocacy and Lobbying - A Recognized Need for Legal Reform
This paper will review the findings of the Broadbent and the Joint Tables Reports, will review the law of advocacy for charities as established in the common law and by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA, formerly “Revenue Canada”) and will look at Ontario’s Lobbyist Registration Act, as well as examine some recent steps by the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy and others to clarify an area of law much in need of clarification, all with a view to understanding the present state of affairs with respect to Canadian charitable advocacy.

Anti – Terrorist Laws
Bill C-16, the Charities Registration (Security of Information) Act, could not appear to be a more timely piece of law-making. The tragic events in New York City and in Washington, D.C., of September 11, 2001, have brought more attention to this legislation.

Ethical Breaches – Lessons for Canadian Charities
The purpose of this piece is to re-examine corporate governance in the charitable context. What positive steps can charitable boards and management take to ensure ethical actions are taken by them? What is the state of the law specifically with respect to the role of corporate auditors?

The Significance and the Impact of the “Christian Brothers” Case
This brief article proposes to examine the origin of these issues, briefly analyze the law, suggest some ramifications of the decision for charities and suggest some possible solutions.


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